■ 고관절이 있고 착색된 유연한 고급형 척추모형

Deluxe Flexible Spine with femur heads and painted muscles

Painted spines add a new dimension to demonstrations.

Muscle origins (red) and insertions
(blue) are painted on left innominate, femur and vertebrae.

Additionally to all features of the Classic Spine Series our Deluxe Spine has a sacral opening
and exposed brainstem for advanced studies.

Other features are:

-Full pelvis and occipital plate
- Fully flexible mounting
- L3-L4 disc prolapsed
- Spinal nerve exits
- Cervical vertebral artery
- Male pelvis
- Cauda equina
- With movably mounted femur heads

size:83 cm/2.1 kg








■ 상품기본정보

품명 및 모델명 유연한 착색척추모형 (A58/7) 허가내용 해당사항없음
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A/S 책임자와 전화번호 삼원메디 02-777-5071