Sectional knee joint model,3-part

■ 3분리 무릎 관절 단면 모형

1. 무릎 관절 이상징후 설명과 치료법 설명에 용이

2. 실제 크기이며,대퇴골,경골,비골,반월,슬개골 등을 표현

This model can be used to demonstrate various disorders of the human knee joint 
(articulatio genus) and their respective therapies in a graphic way.

The model shows a natural-sized,healthy right knee joint in upright position,including parts of the femur,tibia and fibula as well as the ligament system and the patella with part of the femoral tendon.

The patella and attached tendon and the front half of the model (which is frontally sectioned) can be detached to reveal the internal structures.

Mounted on base

12 x 12 x 24 cm/0.5 kg

■ 상품기본정보

품명 및 모델명 무릎관절단면모형 A89 허가내용 해당사항없음
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