20배 확대 소화기 조직 모형

3B MICROanatomy™ Digestive System - 20-times magnified

The model illustrates the structure of the fine tissues of four

characteristics sections of the digestive system:

-Small intestine
-Large intestine
The front of the model, from top to bottom, shows a magnified view

in histological section of the individual sections of the digestive

system and their fine tissue structures.


On the back of the model, highly magnified views of didactically

interesting areas of each of the digestive system sections shown

on the front are emphasized.

size: 29.5 x 26 x 18.5 /1.5 kg



■ 상품기본정보


품명 및 모델명 소화계모형 (K23) 허가내용 해당사항없음
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